orange2022 / src / openslam_gmapping / docs / userver.txt
UDP message format

	Basic Message (binaryMessage.h)
		<identifier>	   (bytes char[32])
		<timsetamp_sec>    (int32)
		<timestamp_usec>   (int32)
		<payload>          <variable>
	Primitive types
		The payload may contain the following data types:
		int8 (char)
		int8 [] 
		int16 []
		int32 []
		All the data are serialized in network byte order (htons, htonl)
		An array is serialized as
		where <size> is an int32, and <v_i> are the values.
		For converting data look at the functions 
		in gnetwork/gformatters.h
	Other Messages
		All the message types inherite from the basic message, they change only the payload.
		laser message
		robot pose message
		robot sonar message
		synchronized laser messages (laser messages with a pose)
		robot commands (speed and jog)
		Here are the payload definitions:
		-laser message: (laserServer/msgudplaser.h)
			int16[]  ranges //in centimeters
		-odometry massage: (robotServer/msgudprobot.h)
			int32 counter         //incremental serial packet counter
			int32 x               //in mm
			int32 y               //in mm
			int32 heading         //in 1/1000 of rad
			int32 speed           //in mm/s
			int32 jog             //in 1/1000 of rad/s
			int32 stall_left      //int32
			int32 stall_right     //int32
		-sonar message: (robotServer/msgudprobot.h)
			we don't use in the camp, if you want take a look at the code
		-syncServer message payload: (synchServer/msgudpsynchro.h)
			<laser message><pose message>
			(both the laser and pose message are in the payload with the basic message header).
		-robotCommand message: (robotServer/msgudprobot.h)
			int32[] commands              // the # of parameters should be less than MSG_UDP_ROBOT_MAX_COMMAND_ARGS

Communication Protocol.
Server side:
-client subscription:
a client is subscripted to the list if it sends any message (also empty) to a server
-client unsubscription:
after a timeout the server does not receives a message it unsubscribes the client
-loop operation
each cycle the server sends the data to all subscribed clients and processes the messages.