orange2022 / src / navigation / navfn / package.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="2">

        navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for
        a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a
        minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is
        computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the
        near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the
        nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in <a href="">nav_core</a>.

    <author>Kurt Konolige</author>
    <author>Eitan Marder-Eppstein</author>
    <maintainer email="">David V. Lu!!</maintainer>
    <maintainer email="">Michael Ferguson</maintainer>
    <maintainer email="">Aaron Hoy</maintainer>

    <buildtool_depend version_gte="0.5.68">catkin</buildtool_depend>

    <build_depend>netpbm</build_depend> <!-- This is a test dependency -->




        <nav_core plugin="${prefix}/bgp_plugin.xml" />