#!/usr/bin/env python PACKAGE = "velodyne_pointcloud" from math import pi import dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator_catkin as pgc gen = pgc.ParameterGenerator() gen.add("min_range", pgc.double_t, 0, "min range to publish", 0.9, 0.1, 10.0) gen.add("max_range", pgc.double_t, 0, "max range to publish", 130, 0.1, 200) gen.add("view_direction", pgc.double_t, 0, "angle defining the center of view", 0.0, -pi, pi) gen.add("view_width", pgc.double_t, 0, "angle defining the view width", 2*pi, 0.0, 2*pi) gen.add("fixed_frame", pgc.str_t, 0, "world fixed frame used for ego motion compensation (leave empty if no ego motion compensation is required)", "") gen.add("target_frame", pgc.str_t, 0, "output frame of the final PointCloud2 msg (leave empty to use the frame specified in the original scan msg)", "") gen.add("organize_cloud", pgc.bool_t, 0, "organize cloud", False) exit(gen.generate(PACKAGE, "transform_node", "TransformNode"))