orange2022 / src / ZLAC8015D_python /
@kbkn kbkn on 30 Jun 2022 1 KB update
# A Python package of ZLAC8015D AC Servo Driver

This is a simple python package by using pymodbus to be able to access registers of ZLAC8015D.

You can find more detail of ZLAC8015D on their official site [here](

## Hardware

ZLAC8015D is only compatible with dual 8 inch motors size.



Along with the driver, you will need to have RS485-USB converter to plug it on your PC. Please check on the following diagram.


## Installation
#1. Install dependecies
## For python2
sudo pip install pymodbus
## or python3
sudo pip3 install pymodbus

#2. Install this package
## For python2
sudo python install
## or python3
sudo python3 install

#3. add user to dialout group
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
## Features

- Velocity control, we can send command RPMs and also read feedback RPMs from the motors, please check on ``

- Position control, we can send how much angle or even direct distance to travel, in case of we are using default 8 inch wheel the circumference distance would be 0.655 meters. Please check on ``.

Those two control modes can be switched during operation, the initialization step has to be done every times when changed to another mode.


`get_rpm()` can be called in velocity control mode, but couldn't get feedback if in position control mode.

`get_wheels_travelled()` can be called in both modes.

`modbus_fail_read_handler()` is a helper function to handle failure read because some there is error of ModbusIOException.

## Registers

For more information of data registers and example packets, please check on [docs](./docs/).