import tkinter as tk import numpy as np import math import ruamel.yaml from PIL import Image, ImageTk from pathlib import Path from .waypointlib import WaypointList, FinishPose def read_file(path: Path): with open(path) as file: # .yamlを読み込む yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML().load(file) return yaml class MyMap(): def __init__(self, path: Path, map_yaml): self.yaml_path = path.resolve() if map_yaml["image"][0] == "/": self.img_path = map_yaml["image"] else: self.img_path = self.yaml_path.with_name(map_yaml["image"]).resolve() self.original_img_pil ="RGBA") self.pil_img = self.original_img_pil.copy() self.tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_img) self.origin = map_yaml["origin"] self.resolution = map_yaml["resolution"] self.map_yaml = map_yaml self.mat_affine = np.eye(3) self.img_origin = [-self.origin[0]/self.resolution, self.original_img_pil.height+self.origin[1]/self.resolution] return def translate(self, x, y): self.affine(x, y, 1) return def scale_at(self, x, y, scale): self.affine(-x, -y, 1) self.affine(0, 0, scale) self.affine(x, y, 1) return def rotate(self, theta, canv_center=None): if not canv_center: cx, cy = self.original_img_pil.width/2, self.original_img_pil.height/2 canv_center =, [cx, cy, 1]) self.translate(-canv_center[0], -canv_center[1]) mat = [[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta), 0], [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]] self.mat_affine = (, self.mat_affine)) self.translate(canv_center[0], canv_center[1]) return def affine(self, x, y, scale): x = float(x) y = float(y) scale = float(scale) mat = [[scale,0,x], [0,scale,y], [0,0,1]] self.mat_affine =, self.mat_affine) return def get_draw_image(self, canvas_size): mat_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.mat_affine) self.pil_img = self.original_img_pil.transform(canvas_size, Image.Transform.AFFINE, tuple(mat_inv.flatten()), Image.Resampling.NEAREST, fillcolor="#0000" ) self.tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=self.pil_img) return self.tk_img def get_corners(self): # 1 2 画像の四隅の座標を左の順番で返す # 4 3 w, h = self.original_img_pil.width, self.original_img_pil.height xy1 = self.mat_affine[:, 2] xy2 =, [w, 0, 1]) xy3 =, [w, h, 1]) xy4 =, [0, h, 1]) return xy1[0], xy1[1], xy2[0], xy2[1], xy3[0], xy3[1], xy4[0], xy4[1] def set_transparency(self, a): self.original_img_pil.putalpha(int(a/100*255)) return def transform(self, img_x, img_y): mat = [img_x, img_y, 1] tf_mat =, mat) return tf_mat[0], tf_mat[1] def inv_transform(self, x, y): mat = [x, y, 1] inv_affine = np.linalg.inv(self.mat_affine) inv =, mat) return inv[0], inv[1] def image2real(self, img_x, img_y): real_x = (img_x - self.img_origin[0]) * self.resolution real_y = -(img_y - self.img_origin[1]) * self.resolution real_x = round(real_x, 6) real_y = round(real_y, 6) return real_x, real_y def real2image(self, real_x, real_y): img_x = self.img_origin[0] + real_x / self.resolution img_y = self.img_origin[1] - real_y / self.resolution return img_x, img_y def get_rotate_angle(self): return math.atan2(self.mat_affine[1,0], self.mat_affine[0,0]) class MapDisplay(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master, theme, **kwargs): super().__init__(master, kwargs) self.min_width = 400 self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, bg="black", highlightthickness=0) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) self.update() self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.left_click_move) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_click) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.left_click_release) self.canvas.bind("<Control-Button-1>", lambda event, scale=1.2: self.ctrl_click(event, scale)) self.canvas.bind("<Control-Button-3>", lambda event, scale=0.8: self.ctrl_click(event, scale)) self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.resize_callback) self.canv_w = self.canvas.winfo_width() self.canv_h = self.canvas.winfo_height() self.base_scale = 1 self.map_dict = {} self.waypoints_dict = {} self.theme = theme self.old_click_point = None self.rotate_center = None self.old_map_rot = None self.selected_map_key = None self.mode = 0 self.base_map_key = "" self.point_rad = 5 # mode を識別するための定数 self.Normal = 0 self.MoveSelected = 1 self.RotateSelected = 2 return def add_map(self, path: Path, map_yaml, waypoints_yaml, base=False): key = self.path2key(path) if key in self.map_dict.keys(): return False new_map = MyMap(path, map_yaml) img_w = new_map.original_img_pil.width img_h = new_map.original_img_pil.height scale = 1 offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 if base: if (self.canv_w / self.canv_h) > (img_w / img_h): # canvasの方が横長 画像をcanvasの縦に合わせてリサイズ scale = self.canv_h / img_h offset_x = (self.canv_w - img_w*scale) / 2 else: # canvasの方が縦長 画像をcanvasの横に合わせてリサイズ scale = self.canv_w / img_w offset_y = (self.canv_h - img_h*scale) / 2 self.base_map_key = key self.base_scale = scale else: scale = self.base_scale base_map: MyMap = self.map_dict[self.base_map_key] img_x, img_y = base_map.real2image(new_map.origin[0], new_map.origin[1]) offset_x, offset_y = base_map.transform(img_x, img_y-img_h) new_map.scale_at(0, 0, scale) new_map.translate(offset_x, offset_y) self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=tk.NW, tags=key, image=new_map.get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h)) ) self.map_dict[key] = new_map self.select_map(path) self.plot_origin() # waypoints self.waypoints_dict[key] = WaypointList(waypoints_yaml) self.waypoints_dict[key+"fp"] = FinishPose(waypoints_yaml) self.plot_waypoints() return True def plot_origin(self): base_map: MyMap = self.map_dict[self.base_map_key] canv_origin = base_map.transform(base_map.img_origin[0], base_map.img_origin[1]) r = self.point_rad x1 = canv_origin[0] - r y1 = canv_origin[1] - r x2 = canv_origin[0] + r + 1 y2 = canv_origin[1] + r + 1 if self.canvas.find_withtag("origin"): self.canvas.moveto("origin", x1, y1) else: self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, tags="origin", fill='cyan', outline='blue') self.canvas.lift("origin") return def plot_waypoints(self): for key, wp_list in self.waypoints_dict.items(): if key[-2:] == "fp": finish_pose: FinishPose = self.waypoints_dict[key] img_x, img_y = self.map_dict[key[:-2]].real2image(finish_pose.x, finish_pose.y) cx, cy = self.map_dict[key[:-2]].transform(img_x, img_y) th = finish_pose.yaw - self.map_dict[key[:-2]].get_rotate_angle() x0 = cx y0 = cy x1 = x0 + math.cos(th) * self.point_rad * 3 y1 = y0 - math.sin(th) * self.point_rad * 3 if self.waypoints_dict[key].id is not None: self.canvas.delete(self.waypoints_dict[key].id) # movetoだとX,毎回削除,再描画 self.waypoints_dict[key].id = self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, tags=key, width=5, arrow=tk.LAST, arrowshape=(4,5,3), fill="#AAF" ) self.canvas.lift(self.waypoints_dict[key].id, key[:-2]) continue if len(wp_list.get_id_list()) == 0: # 初めて描画する for n, wp in enumerate(wp_list.get_waypoint()): id = self.create_waypoint(key, wp, self.map_dict[key]) self.waypoints_dict[key].set_id(n+1, id) else: for id in wp_list.get_id_list(): wp = wp_list.get_waypoint(id) img_x, img_y = self.map_dict[key].real2image(float(wp["x"]), float(wp["y"])) cx, cy = self.map_dict[key].transform(img_x, img_y) x0, y0 = cx-self.point_rad, cy-self.point_rad self.canvas.moveto(id, round(x0), round(y0)) self.canvas.lift(id, key) return def create_waypoint(self, key, waypoint: dict, mymap: MyMap): img_x, img_y = mymap.real2image(float(waypoint["x"]), float(waypoint["y"])) cx, cy = mymap.transform(img_x, img_y) r = self.point_rad-1 x0 = round(cx - r) y0 = round(cy - r) x1 = round(cx + r + 1) y1 = round(cy + r + 1) id = self.canvas.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='#F88', outline='#F88', tags=key+"wp") return id def set_transparency(self, path: Path, alpha): key = self.path2key(path) self.map_dict[key].set_transparency(alpha) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, image=self.map_dict[key].get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h))) def select_map(self, path: Path): self.selected_map_key = self.path2key(path) polygon = self.map_dict[self.selected_map_key].get_corners() if self.canvas.find_withtag("selection_frame"): self.canvas.coords("selection_frame", polygon) else: self.canvas.create_polygon(polygon, tags="selection_frame", fill="", outline="#FF0", dash=(5,3), width=5) self.canvas.lift(self.selected_map_key) self.canvas.lift("selection_frame") self.canvas.lift(self.selected_map_key+"wp") self.canvas.lift(self.selected_map_key+"fp") self.canvas.lift("origin") return def set_vision_state(self, path: Path, vision: bool): key = self.path2key(path) if vision: self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, state=tk.NORMAL) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key+"wp", state=tk.NORMAL) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key+"fp", state=tk.NORMAL) else: self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, state=tk.HIDDEN) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key+"wp", state=tk.HIDDEN) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key+"fp", state=tk.HIDDEN) def path2key(self, path: Path): return path.with_suffix("").name def get_map(self, path: Path): key = self.path2key(path) return self.map_dict[key] def left_click_move(self, event): if (len(self.map_dict) == 0): return if self.old_click_point is None: self.old_click_point = [event.x, event.y] return delta_x = event.x - self.old_click_point[0] delta_y = event.y - self.old_click_point[1] self.old_click_point = [event.x, event.y] if self.mode == self.RotateSelected: # 選択されているマップを回転する if self.rotate_center is None: self.rotate_center = self.old_click_point r = self.point_rad x1, y1 = self.rotate_center[0]-r, self.rotate_center[1]-r x2, y2 = self.rotate_center[0]+r, self.rotate_center[1]+r self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill="#FFA", outline="#FF0", tags="rotation_center") return key = self.selected_map_key cx, cy = self.rotate_center if (abs(event.x-cx) < 20) and (abs(event.y-cy) < 20): return map_rot = math.atan2((event.y - cy), (event.x - cx)) if self.old_map_rot is None: self.old_map_rot = map_rot return theta = map_rot - self.old_map_rot self.map_dict[key].rotate(theta, canv_center=self.rotate_center) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, image=self.map_dict[key].get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h))) if self.canvas.find_withtag("rotation_line"): self.canvas.coords("rotation_line", cx, cy, event.x, event.y) else: self.canvas.create_line(cx, cy, event.x, event.y, tags="rotation_line", width=1, fill="#FAA") polygon = polygon = self.map_dict[key].get_corners() self.canvas.coords("selection_frame", polygon) self.canvas.lift("origin") self.plot_waypoints() self.old_map_rot = map_rot return elif self.mode == self.MoveSelected: # 選択されているマップのみ移動する key = self.selected_map_key self.map_dict[key].translate(delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, image=self.map_dict[key].get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h))) self.canvas.move(key+"wp", delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.move(key+"fp", delta_x, delta_y) else: # 全てのマップを移動する for key in self.map_dict.keys(): self.map_dict[key].translate(delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, image=self.map_dict[key].get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h))) self.canvas.move(key+"wp", delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.move(key+"fp", delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.move("origin", delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.move("selection_frame", delta_x, delta_y) self.canvas.lift("origin") # self.plot_waypoints() return def ctrl_click(self, event, scale): if (len(self.map_dict) == 0): return self.base_scale *= scale for key in self.map_dict.keys(): self.map_dict[key].scale_at(event.x, event.y, scale) self.canvas.itemconfigure(key, image=self.map_dict[key].get_draw_image((self.canv_w, self.canv_h))) self.plot_origin() self.plot_waypoints() polygon = polygon = self.map_dict[self.selected_map_key].get_corners() self.canvas.coords("selection_frame", polygon) self.canvas.lift("selection_frame") self.canvas.lift("origin") return def left_click(self, event): if (self.mode != self.RotateSelected): return self.old_click_point = [event.x, event.y] return def left_click_release(self, event): self.old_click_point = None self.old_map_rot = None self.rotate_center = None if self.canvas.find_withtag("rotation_line"): self.canvas.delete("rotation_line") if self.canvas.find_withtag("rotation_center"): self.canvas.delete("rotation_center") return def resize_callback(self, event): self.canv_w = self.canvas.winfo_width() self.canv_h = self.canvas.winfo_height() return