orange2022 / src / openslam_gmapping / ini / gfs-LMS-5cm.ini
### gfs dummy config file

## WARNING: Changing these parameters, can
## increase of decrese the performance of the
## mapper!


## These are probably the most improtant parameters

## gfs - number of particles
particles        30

## gfs measurement integration
angularUpdate       0.5
linearUpdate        1

## map resolution
delta            0.05

## scan matcher
maxrange         81.0     #   (maximum valid) for SICK LMS, 81m max, SICK PLS 50m
maxUrange        80.0     #   (use up to)
sigma            0.05     # scan matcher cell sigma, for the greedy search
regscore         0.0004   # minimum score for regsistering a scan 
iterations       5        # iterations 
critscore        0.0      # critical score (leave this)
maxMove          1.0      # maximum move among two scans. This detects some corrupted logs
autosize         off	  # determine te map size by pre readoing the log

## default settings for a 0.1 m map cell
lstep            0.05       # linear search step (choose delta)
astep            0.05      # angular search step, this is fine, depending on the odometry error and the update interval
lsigma           0.05       # sigma likelihood of 1 beam
lskip            0	   # beams to skip in the likelihood computation
skipMatching     off	   # do not perform scan matching before computing the statistics

kernelSize       1        # the higher the value the slower the filter
                          # the better it can deal with noise, but the less precise and slower
ogain            3	  # gain for smoothing the likelihood
resampleThreshold   0.5   # when neff  is below this value a resampling occurs
randseed            0	  # this is for the repeated experiments

## likelihood sampling
llsamplerange              0.05	# linear range
llsamplestep               0.05  # linear step
lasamplerange              0.05 # angular range
lasamplestep               0.05 # angular step

## motion model parameters
srr      0.1              # translation as a function of translation
srt      0.1              # translation as a function of rotation
str      0.1              # rotation as a function of translation
stt      0.1              # rotation as a function of rotation

## odometry integration in proposal
linearOdometryReliability  0.0
angularOdometryReliability 0.0
considerOdometryCovariance   off

## inital map params
xmin            -100.0
ymin            -100.0
xmax            100.0
ymax            100.0

## file parameters

readFromStdin       off
onLine              off
generateMap         off