turtlebot3_noetic / src / turtlebot3_autorace_2020 / turtlebot3_autorace_detect / nodes / detect_traffic_light
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2018 ROBOTIS CO., LTD.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Author: Leon Jung, Gilbert, Ashe Kim
import rospy
import numpy as np
import cv2
from enum import Enum
from std_msgs.msg import UInt8, Float64
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CompressedImage
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
from turtlebot3_autorace_detect.cfg import DetectTrafficLightParamsConfig

class DetectTrafficLight():
    def __init__(self):
        self.hue_red_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/hue_l", 0)
        self.hue_red_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/hue_h", 26)
        self.saturation_red_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/saturation_l", 239)
        self.saturation_red_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/saturfnDecideMode(self.InvokedObject.traffic_light.value, traffic_light_type_msg)ation_h", 255)
        self.lightness_red_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/lightness_l", 123)
        self.lightness_red_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/red/lightness_h", 250)

        self.hue_yellow_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/hue_l", 19)
        self.hue_yellow_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/hue_h", 33)
        self.saturation_yellow_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/saturation_l", 237)
        self.saturation_yellow_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/saturation_h", 255)
        self.lightness_yellow_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/lightness_l", 231)
        self.lightness_yellow_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/yellow/lightness_h", 255)

        self.hue_green_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/hue_l", 40)
        self.hue_green_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/hue_h", 113)
        self.saturation_green_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/saturation_l", 210)
        self.saturation_green_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/saturation_h", 255)
        self.lightness_green_l = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/lightness_l", 131)
        self.lightness_green_h = rospy.get_param("~detect/lane/green/lightness_h", 255)

        self.is_calibration_mode = rospy.get_param("~is_detection_calibration_mode", False)
        if self.is_calibration_mode == True:
            srv_detect_lane = Server(DetectTrafficLightParamsConfig, self.cbGetDetectTrafficLightParam)

        self.sub_image_type = "compressed"          # "compressed" / "raw"
        self.pub_image_type = "compressed"          # "compressed" / "raw"

        self.counter = 1
        if self.sub_image_type == "compressed":
            # subscribes compressed image
            self.sub_image_original = rospy.Subscriber('/detect/image_input/compressed', CompressedImage, self.cbGetImage, queue_size = 1)
        elif self.sub_image_type == "raw":
            # subscribes raw image
            self.sub_image_original = rospy.Subscriber('/detect/image_input', Image, self.cbGetImage, queue_size = 1)
        if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
            # publishes compensated image in compressed type 
            self.pub_image_traffic_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
        elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
            # publishes compensated image in raw type
            self.pub_image_traffic_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output', Image, queue_size = 1)

        if self.is_calibration_mode == True:
            if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
                # publishes light image in compressed type 
                self.pub_image_red_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub1/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
                self.pub_image_yellow_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub2/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
                self.pub_image_green_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub3/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
            elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
                # publishes light image in raw type
                self.pub_image_red_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub1', Image, queue_size = 1)
                self.pub_image_yellow_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub2', Image, queue_size = 1)
                self.pub_image_green_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/image_output_sub3', Image, queue_size = 1)

        self.sub_traffic_light_finished = rospy.Subscriber('/control/traffic_light_finished', UInt8, self.cbTrafficLightFinished, queue_size = 1)

        self.pub_traffic_light_return = rospy.Publisher('/detect/traffic_light_stamped', UInt8, queue_size=1)
        self.pub_traffic_start = rospy.Publisher('/control/traffic_light_start', UInt8, queue_size = 1)
        self.pub_traffic_light = rospy.Publisher('/detect/traffic_light', UInt8, queue_size=1)

        self.CurrentMode   = Enum('CurrentMode', 'idle lane_following traffic_light intersection construction parking_lot level_crossing tunnel')
        self.InvokedObject = Enum('InvokedObject', 'traffic_light traffic_sign')
        self.cvBridge = CvBridge()
        self.cv_image = None

        self.is_image_available = False
        self.is_traffic_light_finished = False

        self.green_count = 0
        self.yellow_count = 0
        self.red_count = 0
        self.stop_count = 0
        self.off_traffic = False

        loop_rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if self.is_image_available == True:
                if self.is_traffic_light_finished == False:


    def cbGetDetectTrafficLightParam(self, config, level):
        rospy.loginfo("[Detect Traffic Light] Detect Traffic Light Calibration Parameter reconfigured to")
        rospy.loginfo("hue_red_l : %d", config.hue_red_l)
        rospy.loginfo("hue_red_h : %d", config.hue_red_h)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_red_l : %d", config.saturation_red_l)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_red_h : %d", config.saturation_red_h)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_red_l : %d", config.lightness_red_l)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_red_h : %d", config.lightness_red_h)

        rospy.loginfo("hue_yellow_l : %d", config.hue_yellow_l)
        rospy.loginfo("hue_yellow_h : %d", config.hue_yellow_h)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_yellow_l : %d", config.saturation_yellow_l)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_yellow_h : %d", config.saturation_yellow_h)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_yellow_l : %d", config.lightness_yellow_l)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_yellow_h : %d", config.lightness_yellow_h)

        rospy.loginfo("hue_green_l : %d", config.hue_green_l)
        rospy.loginfo("hue_green_h : %d", config.hue_green_h)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_green_l : %d", config.saturation_green_l)
        rospy.loginfo("saturation_green_h : %d", config.saturation_green_h)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_green_l : %d", config.lightness_green_l)
        rospy.loginfo("lightness_green_h : %d", config.lightness_green_h)

        self.hue_red_l = config.hue_red_l
        self.hue_red_h = config.hue_red_h
        self.saturation_red_l = config.saturation_red_l
        self.saturation_red_h = config.saturation_red_h
        self.lightness_red_l = config.lightness_red_l
        self.lightness_red_h = config.lightness_red_h

        self.hue_yellow_l = config.hue_yellow_l
        self.hue_yellow_h = config.hue_yellow_h
        self.saturation_yellow_l = config.saturation_yellow_l
        self.saturation_yellow_h = config.saturation_yellow_h
        self.lightness_yellow_l = config.lightness_yellow_l
        self.lightness_yellow_h = config.lightness_yellow_h

        self.hue_green_l = config.hue_green_l
        self.hue_green_h = config.hue_green_h
        self.saturation_green_l = config.saturation_green_l
        self.saturation_green_h = config.saturation_green_h
        self.lightness_green_l = config.lightness_green_l
        self.lightness_green_h = config.lightness_green_h

        return config

    def cbGetImage(self, image_msg):
        # drop the frame to 1/5 (6fps) because of the processing speed. This is up to your computer's operating power.
        if self.counter % 3 != 0:
            self.counter += 1
            self.counter = 1

        if self.sub_image_type == "compressed":
            np_arr = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8)
            self.cv_image = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            self.cv_image = self.cvBridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image_msg, "bgr8")

        self.is_image_available = True

    def fnFindTrafficLight(self):
        cv_image_mask = self.fnMaskGreenTrafficLight()
        cv_image_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(cv_image_mask,(5,5),0)
        status1 = self.fnFindCircleOfTrafficLight(cv_image_mask, 'green')
        if status1 == 1 or status1 == 5:
            rospy.loginfo("detect GREEN")
            self.stop_count = 0
            self.green_count += 1
            self.green_count = 0
            cv_image_mask = self.fnMaskYellowTrafficLight()
            cv_image_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(cv_image_mask,(5,5),0)

            status2 = self.fnFindCircleOfTrafficLight(cv_image_mask, 'yellow')
            if status2 == 2:
                rospy.loginfo("detect YELLOW")
                self.yellow_count += 1
                self.yellow_count = 0

                cv_image_mask = self.fnMaskRedTrafficLight()
                cv_image_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(cv_image_mask,(5,5),0)

                status3 = self.fnFindCircleOfTrafficLight(cv_image_mask, 'red')
                if status3 == 3:
                    rospy.loginfo("detect RED")
                    self.red_count += 1
                elif status3 == 4:
                    self.red_count = 0
                    self.stop_count += 1
                    self.red_count = 0
                    self.stop_count = 0
 #       rospy.loginfo("RGB = %d %d %d stop = %d status =%d",self.red_count,self.yellow_count,self.green_count,self.stop_count,status1)
        if self.green_count >= 3:
            cv2.putText(self.cv_image,"GREEN", (self.point_col, self.point_low), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (80, 255, 0))
            msg_sign = UInt8()
   = self.CurrentMode.intersection.value
            rospy.loginfo("Publish intersection from detect") 
            self.is_traffic_light_finished = True

        if self.yellow_count >= 3:
            cv2.putText(self.cv_image,"YELLOW", (self.point_col, self.point_low), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 255))

        if self.red_count >= 3:
            cv2.putText(self.cv_image,"RED", (self.point_col, self.point_low), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255))

        if self.stop_count >= 8:
            self.off_traffic = True
            cv2.putText(self.cv_image,"STOP", (self.point_col, self.point_low), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255))

        if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
            # publishes traffic light image in compressed type
            self.pub_image_traffic_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(self.cv_image, "jpg"))

        elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
            # publishes traffic light image in raw type
            self.pub_image_traffic_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.cv_image, "bgr8"))

    def fnMaskRedTrafficLight(self):
        image = np.copy(self.cv_image)

        # Convert BGR to HSV
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        Hue_l = self.hue_red_l
        Hue_h = self.hue_red_h
        Saturation_l = self.saturation_red_l
        Saturation_h = self.saturation_red_h
        Lightness_l = self.lightness_red_l
        Lightness_h = self.lightness_red_h

        # define range of red color in HSV
        lower_red = np.array([Hue_l, Saturation_l, Lightness_l])
        upper_red = np.array([Hue_h, Saturation_h, Lightness_h])

        # Threshold the HSV image to get only red colors
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red)

        # Bitwise-AND mask and original image
        res = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask = mask)

        if self.is_calibration_mode == True:
            if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
                # publishes red light filtered image in compressed type
                self.pub_image_red_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(mask, "jpg"))

            elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
                # publishes red light filtered image in raw type
                self.pub_image_red_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8"))

        mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)

        return mask

    def fnMaskYellowTrafficLight(self):
        image = np.copy(self.cv_image)

        # Convert BGR to HSV
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        Hue_l = self.hue_yellow_l
        Hue_h = self.hue_yellow_h
        Saturation_l = self.saturation_yellow_l
        Saturation_h = self.saturation_yellow_h
        Lightness_l = self.lightness_yellow_l
        Lightness_h = self.lightness_yellow_h

        # define range of yellow color in HSV
        lower_yellow = np.array([Hue_l, Saturation_l, Lightness_l])
        upper_yellow = np.array([Hue_h, Saturation_h, Lightness_h])

        # Threshold the HSV image to get only yellow colors
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_yellow, upper_yellow)

        # Bitwise-AND mask and original image
        res = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask = mask)

        if self.is_calibration_mode == True:
            if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
                # publishes yellow light filtered image in compressed type
                self.pub_image_yellow_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(mask, "jpg"))

            elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
                # publishes yellow light filtered image in raw type
                self.pub_image_yellow_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8"))

        mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)

        return mask

    def fnMaskGreenTrafficLight(self):
        image = np.copy(self.cv_image)

        # Convert BGR to HSV
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        Hue_l = self.hue_green_l
        Hue_h = self.hue_green_h
        Saturation_l = self.saturation_green_l
        Saturation_h = self.saturation_green_h
        Lightness_l = self.lightness_green_l
        Lightness_h = self.lightness_green_h

        # define range of green color in HSV
        lower_green = np.array([Hue_l, Saturation_l, Lightness_l])
        upper_green = np.array([Hue_h, Saturation_h, Lightness_h])

        # Threshold the HSV image to get only green colors
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green)

        # Bitwise-AND mask and original image
        res = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask = mask)

        if self.is_calibration_mode == True:
            if self.pub_image_type == "compressed":
                # publishes green light filtered image in compressed type
                self.pub_image_green_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(mask, "jpg"))

            elif self.pub_image_type == "raw":
                # publishes green light filtered image in raw type
                self.pub_image_green_light.publish(self.cvBridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8"))

        mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)

        return mask

    def fnFindCircleOfTrafficLight(self, mask, find_color):
        status = 0

        # Change thresholds
        params.minThreshold = 0
        params.maxThreshold = 255

        # Filter by Area.
        params.filterByArea = True
        params.minArea = 50
        params.maxArea = 600

        # Filter by Circularity
        params.filterByCircularity = True
        params.minCircularity = 0.4

        # Filter by Convexity
        params.filterByConvexity = True
        params.minConvexity = 0.6


        col1 = 180
        col2 = 270
        col3 = 305

        low1 = 50
        low2 = 170
        low3 = 170
        # if detected more than 1 light
        for i in range(len(keypts)):
            self.point_col = int(keypts[i].pt[0])
            self.point_low = int(keypts[i].pt[1])
            if self.point_col > col1 and self.point_col < col2 and self.point_low > low1 and self.point_low < low2:
                if find_color == 'green':
                    status = 1
                elif find_color == 'yellow':
                    status = 2
                elif find_color == 'red':
                    status = 3
            elif self.point_col > col2 and self.point_col < col3 and self.point_low > low1 and self.point_low < low3:
                if find_color == 'red':
                    status = 4
                elif find_color == 'green':
                    status = 5
#            else:
#                status = 6
        return status

    def cbTrafficLightFinished(self, traffic_light_finished_msg):
        self.is_traffic_light_finished = True
    def main(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    node = DetectTrafficLight()