orange2022 / src / emcl2 / src / Pose.cpp
@koki koki on 14 Dec 2022 1 KB last commit
//SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ryuichi Ueda
//SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
//Some lines are derived from 

#include "emcl/Pose.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>

namespace emcl2 {

Pose::Pose(double x, double y, double t)
	set(x, y, t);

void Pose::set(double x, double y, double t)
	x_ = x;
	y_ = y;
	t_ = t;

void Pose::set(const Pose &p)
	x_ = p.x_;
	y_ = p.y_;
	t_ = p.t_;

std::string Pose::to_s(void)
	std::stringstream s;
	s << "x:" << x_ << "\ty:" << y_ << "\tt:" << t_;
	return s.str();

void Pose::normalizeAngle(void)
	while(t_ > M_PI)
		t_ -= 2*M_PI;
	while(t_ < -M_PI)
		t_ += 2*M_PI;

Pose Pose::operator -(const Pose &p) const
	Pose ans(x_ - p.x_, y_ - p.y_, t_ - p.t_);

	return ans;

Pose Pose::operator =(const Pose &p)
	x_ = p.x_;
       	y_ = p.y_;
	t_ = p.t_;
	return *this;

void Pose::move(double length, double direction, double rotation,
		double fw_noise, double rot_noise)
	x_ += (length + fw_noise)*cos(direction + rot_noise + t_);
	y_ += (length + fw_noise)*sin(direction + rot_noise + t_);
	t_ += rotation + rot_noise;

bool Pose::nearlyZero(void)
	return fabs(x_) < 0.001 and fabs(y_) < 0.001 and fabs(t_) < 0.001;

uint16_t Pose::get16bitRepresentation(void)
	int tmp = t_/M_PI*(1<<15);
	while(tmp < 0)
		tmp += (1<<16);
	while(tmp >= (1<<16))
		tmp -= (1<<16);

	return (uint16_t)tmp;

uint16_t Pose::get16bitRepresentation(double t)
	int tmp = t/M_PI*(1<<15);
	while(tmp < 0)
		tmp += (1<<16);
	while(tmp >= (1<<16))
		tmp -= (1<<16);

	return (uint16_t)tmp;
